Off-site construction represents a pragmatic and relevant solution to meet the challenge of productivity and environmental and digital transitions in the construction sector. It addresses both the construction of new buildings and renovation.

The goal?

Free yourself from the vagaries of the weather, reduce costs, reduce implementation times, reduce the arduousness of construction sites, limit nuisances for local residents, by reinforcing a high level of quality of the works. And limit the carbon impact of construction in general, especially with techniques using wood and bio-sourced materials, by increasing the available offer.

How ?

By pre-fabricating elements in a workshop or factory in better conditions than on site, then quickly assembling them on the target construction site.

Off-site construction often relies on ranges of modules offered by different manufacturers. As such, we also often speak of ‘modular’ construction which allows greater or greater architectural freedom depending on the offers. A distinction is generally made between ‘2D modular’, which produces areas when leaving the factory, and ‘3D modular’, which produces volumes.

Off-site construction can include concrete, timber frame, or hybrid construction.

Main advantages

  • Reduction of the environmental impact, in particular if wooden frames
  • Cost reduction
  • Tme saving
  • Offer Flexibility
  • Precision
  • Better quality
  • Waste reduction
  • Safer construction site

The future of construction

Off-site construction, or even modular construction, is part of what is called ‘NMC’, New Construction Methods. Its development at the global level is exponential, the McKinsey firm predicts 20% of buildings built off-site by 2030. In France today it only represents around one to two % of the sector.