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The South Region is the second most forested region in France, with 1.63 million hectares of forest, covering 50% of the territory. Today, only 25% of the natural growth of the regional forests is harvested.

Rich in numerous forest species, this resource can be developed within the framework of a reasoned and harmonious sustainable development, guaranteeing a balance between the availability of wood for uses that are part of a virtuous approach to the preservation of capacity.

Part of the forest massif of the Southern Region is geographically integrated on the ‘Massif Alpin’, on which several committed actors of the wood sector have federated by creating in 2011 the association and the label Bois des Alpes™, in order to better valorize the alpine woods and develop their use in the construction projects of the massif. 




Why have a certified label?

Building with wood is good, building with local wood is even better because it contributes concretely to an economic dynamic source of many regional jobs that cannot be relocated.

However, it is still necessary to be able to guarantee the origin of the material, and also ensure that it is produced in an environmentally friendly way. 

For our region, Bois des Alpes™ provides concrete guarantees on the exact origin of the wood, the action for sustainable development, the technical quality, the maintenance of Alpine jobs. 

This label implies being certified, through a certification process verifying compliance with the conditions necessary for end-to-end traceability.

Bois des Alpes™: what are the guarantees?

Choosing Bois des Alpes™ means making the choice:

Of 100% PEFC certified wood, traced, from sustainably managed forests of the French Alps, under forest certification.

Technical wood dried according to the humidity required by the DTU, classified according to their mechanical resistance with CE marking.

Respect for a perimeter of supply and transformation of Bois des Alpes™.

Of companies involved in sustainable development, and PEFC Chain of Custody certified.

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ELAN Jouques, Company with Exemplary Employment Purpose Thu, 21 Nov 2024 10:22:45 +0000 L’article ELAN Jouques, Company with Exemplary Employment Purpose est apparu en premier sur LOWALL.


ELAN Jouques is an Employment Purpose Company (EBE) created in 2017 in Jouques (Bouches du Rhône) as part of the zero long-term unemployed territory system.

On the occasion of the finalization of an extension of their new premises in Lign.O modules, carried out by Tecabois, we had the pleasure of meeting Ludwig Rouault, director, to learn more about their activity.

ELAN Jouques in a few words?

The objective of ELAN Jouques is to animate long-term job seekers (+12 months), residents within the territory for more than 6 months and volunteers to promote a local dynamic of services in a sustainable development approach. 

The activities are designed based on the skills of job seekers. Today five families are offered: multi-services, recycling, wood workshop, agricultural work, tourism. An administrative center coordinates the whole.

At the start, 140 job seekers volunteered, 77 of them were hired by ELAN Jouques, thus supported in their return to work, the others having found a job without going through the EBE.

“ELAN Jouques relies on the promotion and development of employees” explains Ludwig Rouault. This is the only French EBE with only one non-contracted employee.

Why choose a timber frame building?

The choice of a timber frame construction seemed obvious. Indeed, “EBEs always try to fit in with sustainable development approaches as much as possible”.

The entire ELAN Jouques team actively participated in the design and fitting out of the new premises. After the finalization of the extension with a laundry and the evolution of the wood workshop and the garage for repairing bicycles, all that remains is to fit out very soon what will be the new store for the resource centre.

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Low carbon construction Thu, 21 Nov 2024 10:22:21 +0000 L’article Low carbon construction est apparu en premier sur LOWALL.


The building sector is at the forefront of France’s carbon neutrality objectives in 2050.

The goal?

Limit its greenhouse gas emissions on the construction and life cycle of buildings, by considering the footprint, the materials and materials used, the choice of supplies and the entire upstream / downstream logistics chain until the construction, the optimization of the organization of the site, as well as the energy consumption of the buildings.

How ?

  • By choosing bio-sourced or circular economy materials
  • By pre-fabricating in the ‘off-site’ factory with 2D or 3D modular systems to allow a reduction in the number of transports on site.
  • By favoring short circuit supply
  • By using renewable energies from thalassotherapy and geothermal energy, photovoltaic and wind electricity, biomass boiler and heat pump
  • By working on energy sobriety through renovation, bioclimatic design, thermal insulation.

Why is low carbon construction a priority?

In France, the building sector consumes 40% of final energy and is responsible for 21% of CO2 emissions.

‘Low-carbon’ construction, whether new or under renovation, represents only one percent of the €200 billion construction market in France. The new RE2020 environmental regulations in force since 2022 will make it possible to accelerate the availability of offers for sustainable buildings.


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Off-Site Construction: the building industry Thu, 21 Nov 2024 10:22:10 +0000 L’article Off-Site Construction: the building industry est apparu en premier sur LOWALL.


Off-site construction represents a pragmatic and relevant solution to meet the challenge of productivity and environmental and digital transitions in the construction sector. It addresses both the construction of new buildings and renovation.

The goal?

Free yourself from the vagaries of the weather, reduce costs, reduce implementation times, reduce the arduousness of construction sites, limit nuisances for local residents, by reinforcing a high level of quality of the works. And limit the carbon impact of construction in general, especially with techniques using wood and bio-sourced materials, by increasing the available offer.

How ?

By pre-fabricating elements in a workshop or factory in better conditions than on site, then quickly assembling them on the target construction site.

Off-site construction often relies on ranges of modules offered by different manufacturers. As such, we also often speak of ‘modular’ construction which allows greater or greater architectural freedom depending on the offers. A distinction is generally made between ‘2D modular’, which produces areas when leaving the factory, and ‘3D modular’, which produces volumes.

Off-site construction can include concrete, timber frame, or hybrid construction.

Main advantages

  • Reduction of the environmental impact, in particular if wooden frames
  • Cost reduction
  • Tme saving
  • Offer Flexibility
  • Precision
  • Better quality
  • Waste reduction
  • Safer construction site

The future of construction

Off-site construction, or even modular construction, is part of what is called ‘NMC’, New Construction Methods. Its development at the global level is exponential, the McKinsey firm predicts 20% of buildings built off-site by 2030. In France today it only represents around one to two % of the sector.

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Reuse in construction Thu, 21 Nov 2024 10:17:01 +0000 L’article Reuse in construction est apparu en premier sur LOWALL.


Reuse is the most virtuous operation in the life cycle of an element, whether it is an object or a material. A light cleaning or a simple overhaul allows it to be reused as it is, for the same use as that for which it was designed.

Practiced for centuries until the advent of the industrial era, reuse has fallen into oblivion to concern only 1% of building materials used in Europe.

It retains its status as a product, unlike reuse which retains the form but not the function of the item. Thus reuse prevents the production of waste.


The objective?

Develop the circular economy in the building industry, extend the life of objects or materials, reduce the consumption of raw materials and the production of waste. It is necessary to encourage and take part in the recovery of finishing waste to reduce the environmental footprint of the construction industry.


Why ?

The construction industry alone produces 240 million tonnes of annual waste, according to ADEME in 2020, i.e. 70% of the total production of waste in France, according to the CGDD (General Commission for Sustainable Development) i.e. the equivalent of 3.6 tons of waste per year and per French person.

More than half of them are not treated after being thrown away: the materials are neither recycled, nor reused, nor reused. They are buried or incinerated.

At least 37 million tonnes would still be viable, recalls the CNOA (National Council of the Order of Architects).

Reuse reduces the extraction of raw materials, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and increases support for a local and sustainable economy.

Common sense is to promote reuse! A practice to be developed to live in a sustainable world.


How to get started?

  • By selectively dismantling buildings, opting for reuse channels instead of landfilling or incineration. By continuing to improve the energy performance and lower consumption of new buildings by emphasizing the performance of insulation.


  • By raising awareness and training those involved in construction and development on these subjects, in particular through European initiatives and the development of guides for professionals by the FCRBE (Facilitating the Circulation of Reclaimed Building Elements in Northwestern Europe)

  • By opting for reuse channels: on the construction site or on another construction site, voluntary contribution to a resource center, sale on a specialized platform.

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